Mogadishu One Stop Youth Center-Mosyc

It is imperative that development that places the most vulnerable and youth at the center be it in policy, infrastructure or socio-economic initiatives.

An approach to ensure this is creating youth spaces that offer encompassing support including capacity building programmes, vocational training, recreational spaces and access to health services amongst a myriad of other services. It is on this premise, that UN-Habitat began establishing youth centers across the globe,

it is a model that has proven to be successful in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Palestine, with new hubs being created in Somalia, Mogadishu and Kismayo. The understanding is that a one-stop center for youth is imperative though the model may differ in different countries the aim is the same – to improve the condition and position of youth in society.
With specific regards to the Mogadishu One Stop Youth Center (MOSYC) it aims to build a solid foundation for an inclusive approach that acknowledges youth as partners in the development process of their city and provide a youth owned youth led space.

To maintain the focus on youth priorities, the center is managed by the youth umbrella organization, BARYA but they work in close coordination with local and regional authorities.