BRA youth Association chair-man:- “Together we are strong”


Leaders of youth organizations from Somali regional administrations such Juba-land, Punt-land, South-west and Hiran had a meeting at Banadir regional youth association office under official invitation by BARYA chair-man. This meeting came after youth organizations attended at a consultative conference on Somali’s constitutional review process held at Mogadishu.

At a joint press release by the youth organizations, the chair-man of Banadir Regional youth Associations Mr. Abdikafi Mohamuud Makaran has underlined that the meeting aimed for introduction, information sharing and experience exchange on youth development initiatives as well as challenges and opportunities ahead for the Somali youth.

Three key points have been issued from the meeting:-

1.To pay official visit by the Somali regional/state member youth organizations at each regional administrations to strengthen cohesion and unity of the Somali youth

2.Somali regional youth should be considered in formulation of National Youth Policy through giving voice to highlight their needs and development goals

3.Conducting National Youth Conference bringing together Somali regional youth organization to consult and propose youth vision towards development

Somali’s youth have been facing a huge challenges such security and livelihood for the last two decades. Such these sessions demonstrate the momentum of hope for the future of Somali youth towards stable and prosperous Somalia.