Somalia And Word Human Rigts Watch Day + Pictures

A meeting, which was held for the students of Mogadishu Universities in Banaadir region, was entitled, “Let everyone know, violence against woman is a human rights violation.”

The meeting has attended by the UN Special Representative for Somalia Mr. Nicholas Kay, Banaadir regional Youth Association (BARYA) chairman Mr. Abdikafi Mohamud, the chairman of Ifrah Foundation, Mrs, Ifrah Ahmedand MP Mrs. Maryan Awees and the UN Special Representative for Somalia Mr. Nicholas Kay.

Ifrah Ahmed has encouraged the students to do campaign against female genital mutilation F.G.M and the rape of Somali women and girls in the country.

“I never thought that I will be in Somalia and stand front of hundreds of Somali youth, but I was so happy to speak with 100 Young Voices Somalia as part of the 16 days of activism campaign against Gender Violence in Somalia, Youth is Hope of the Nation, Young people are the nation builder and Youth is very important for SOMALIA progress,”

Students were explained the meaning of human rights and woman. The UN Special Representative for Somalia Mr. Nicholas Kay, said that they train Youth mainly female and male as to take part the ongoing programs as to reach free vote for the future and that UN is ready for helping Somalia every moment.

Mr. Abdikafi Mohamud, who is the chairman of BARYA said that students experienced lots of difficulties, that have been continuing since the Somali government was overthrown 1991, but now peace has returned and Schools, universities are reopened.

“We have to take part the undergoing development in ou country and peace,” said Abdikafi Mohamud.

The students, who attended the meeting said that they will take part the development of their country.
The meeting was organized by the UNDP and UNITE for 100 young voices Somalia presents orange your neighborhood.

We have sourced this News and Photos from the chairman of BARYA

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